Safe Transport

Good Sports helps club reduce the risk of drink driving by giving you all the tools you need to put in place safe transport practices.

Making sure members and guests get to and from games and events safely is an important part of having a great club environment where everyone is looked after.

What is safe transport?

Local sporting clubs know that being great is about more than just winning. It’s about looking after each other, on and off the field. This includes making sure members get home safely after a game or celebration.

Each club’s Good Sports policy will have at least three safe transport practices from the Guide to Safe Transport. This includes ideas such as a designated driver program, a call-service for taxis or free transport provided by the club.

All Gold Medal Good Sports clubs, that have reached the highest level of the program, have road safety included in their Good Sports policy.

Guide to safe transport - metro

PDF 63.6 KB

Guide to safe transport - regional

PDF 62.3 KB

Safe transport resources

Looking for tips on how to get everyone home safe? Good Sports has a range of articles and information to get you started.

To access the full suite of available resources, log in to Good Sports (or join the program) and click on the ‘Resources’ tab.


Hear from Good Sports clubs on road safety

Every Good Sports club has a story to tell. Hear from a few of our clubs about why safe transport is so important to them, what measures they’ve put in place to keep members safe on the roads and how Good Sports helped them make a difference.

Our Funders

In New South Wales, Good Sports is funded by the NSW Government through Transport for NSW from the Community Road Safety Fund.