6th January, 2021 — fundraising
Quick and easy fundraising ideas
Put the fun back into fundraising. Add your own twist to these tried and true ideas to raise some quick cash for your club.
The key to successful fundraising at Good Sports clubs is to have fun. Building regular fundraising events into club life adds an extra layer of participation.
Create a calendar of events ahead of the season. You might like to schedule one event per month.
Bring players, parents, volunteers, sponsors and the whole community on board.
Keep it simple
- Trivia night: Lock it in Eddie. Charge a gold coin entry fee and ask sponsors to donate prizes. Quiz questions are available online with a Google search.
- Young people: Run your quiz on Kahoot – a free phone-based app that lets the quiz participants race against the clock.
- Treasure hunt: Print out prize vouchers and hide them around the club house and grounds.
- Donate good deeds: Auction off a service donated by your members such as dog walking, window washing or lawn mowing.
- Club car boot sale: Decluttering at home offers a great opportunity to hold a sale and give the proceeds to the club.
Club Fundraising Kit
PDF 720.9 KB
Finals, a grand time to fundraise
Adding a finals flavour to your fundraising activities can be just the boost you need to end your season on a high.
We’ve done some brainstorming to get you started:
- Finals themed merchandise: People love to jump on the bandwagon come finals time. Set up a merchandise stand with your club’s name and colours on popular items like pens and water bottles, easily ordered online.
- Help people show their pride: Give your club a true home-ground advantage by setting up creative stalls for people to show their love for the club. This might include a face-painting stall or badge-making stall.
- Finals themed food: Get creative with your finals fare and sell club-themed food to members and visitors. Think healthy club combo meals, with homemade burgers or souvlakis with salad. For a sweet side, offer cupcakes iced in the club colours.
- Get sponsors on board: You might like to entice businesses to jump on board with the offer to set up a stall or appear in match-day announcements on finals day.
- Get the community involved: Encourage local turnout by promoting your finals campaign across the community. Think posters in shopfronts and posts on social media.
Alternatives to alcohol
Moving away from having bottles and slabs of alcohol as prizes and rewards can help move the focus off alcohol. Your club is a role model for members and guests, so it’s great to mix it up and have fun without the drinks.
Here's a bunch of creative ideas that won’t empty the club’s bank account.