What to expect
A step-by-step guide to navigating the easy Good Sports online accreditation program.

How Good Sports works
The Good Sports online portal is simple and easy to use. You can work through the program at your own pace. Log in on your phone or tablet, to access Good Sports anytime and anywhere.
Here’s a step-by-step guide in six parts.
1 Register
Fill in a quick form with your club’s details to register for Good Sports. You’ll then get a confirmation email and be able to create your club account in the online portal.
2 Questionnaire
Start with a quick tour of your portal dashboard. Then begin the questionnaire, where you will answer a series of questions about your club.
3 Action plan
As you complete the questionnaire, you will be building an action plan to help prioritise your club's work. Actions and policy line items will be added automatically as you go along.
4 Accredited Good Sports club
Progress through questions and actions to generate your first policy to share with your club. This will include things like alcohol and tobacco management. It changes depending on the needs of your club. Get the policy signed by your committee members to become an accredited Good Sports club.
5 Keep going
Continue to work through the questionnaire and action items. Your most important tasks will appear in order on your dashboard, so you can easily see what you need to complete on the way to the next policy.
6 Gold Medal accredited
Once you have completed the entire questionnaire, with all actions and had your complete policy signed off, you’ll then become a Gold Medal Good Sports club. It covers alcohol and tobacco management, illegal drugs, mental health, a safe transport plan and supporting junior members (if applicable to your club).
Congratulations - this means you’ve reached the highest level of the program.
7 A quick check in each year
From here, you’ll check in yearly to ensure your club is on top of everything.
The Good Sports program is designed for busy volunteers. You only need to dedicate a few hours each year to make your club an even more welcoming and family-friendly place.
Gold Medal Good Sports club - Promotion Kit
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