6th January, 2021 — Protective factors
Top tips for responsible clubs
Here are the key ways your club can be well prepared off the field - to keep members safe and keep the club running smoothly.
Good Sports is here to help your club meet your responsibilities to your members. Whether that’s legal requirements around smoking and alcohol, or just making your club the most welcoming place it can be.
Being a Good Sports club means you have a responsible attitude towards:
- alcohol and other drugs
- smoking
- safe transport
- role-modelling for younger members
- supporting mental health.
It shows you are providing a fun but also protective environment for players, members, families and supporters. And it shows the wider community outside your door that you are there to be a good neighbour.
Here are helpful tips on being a Good Sports club that understands prevention is the best preparation for success.
Get your liquor licensing in order
Make sure the club committee or individual liquor nominee understands the club’s licence conditions:
- Where a club has one person as liquor nominee listed on the club’s liquor licence, their contact details should be up-to-date
- Clearly display your club’s current liquor licence for all members and visitors to see
- Display current state/territory liquor licence signs, including a sign at appropriate entry/exit points that states: ‘No alcohol beyond this point’.
Manage your bar safely
- All bar servers must attend Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) training
- Have a copy of the floor plan clearly displaying the ‘red line’ licensed area of the club facility
- Your Good Sports club organises alternatives to events or promotions that might encourage excessive or rapid drinking, like ‘all-you-can-drink' events or ‘happy hours’.
Have a safe ride home
The club encourages safe transport practices, which can include:
- Designated driver program
- Key register
- Taxi numbers clearly displayed
- Free club transport
- Free non-alcoholic drinks or food for designated drivers.
Become a smoke-free club
- No-smoking areas include anywhere food is served
- No smoking in entrances/exits
- No-smoking signs clearly displayed is these areas.
Sort out your Good Sports policy
We are here to work in partnership with you and your club. The easiest way to check that your boxes are ticked for protecting members and preventing harm is to have your Good Sports accreditation up to date.
Log in to the online portal to review your action plan and policy.