Smoking management
Every state and territory has smoking laws. Including smoking management in your policy makes sure your club knows the local law and can enforce it.

Good Sports clubs are encouraged to be smoke-free and to role model this behaviour. For those clubs that still allow smoking in clearly defined areas, there are smoking laws for each state and territory you must follow (below).
As you progress through the Good Sports program, you’ll cover smoking management in your policy. That way staff and volunteers understand your club’s position and know how to deal with someone smoking in a banned area.
Make sure everyone knows the policy and understands the rules. Clear no-smoking signs will also promote healthy behaviour and remind people to put the cigarettes back in their bag.
Know your states' smoking laws
If you allow smoking anywhere in or around your club there are strict Government rules. Good Sports has pulled together these handy fact sheets as guides for each state and territory on the smoking law requirements for your area.
These resources will ensure your club stays on the right side of the law and provides the best environment for members and visitors.
You also need to be aware that your local council might have its own rules around smoking as well.
Select your state or territory: