Protective factors
Prevention is better than the cure. Good Sports inspires positive change and deliver's evidence-based approaches to minimise alcohol and drug harm.

What is a protective factor?
You know the old saying – a little bit of prevention is worth a whole lot of cure.
Primary prevention addresses the causes of alcohol and other drug use to protect people from developing a dependency in the first place.
A sense of disconnection, unemployment, abuse or trauma, poor mental health, or a feeling of having no clear future. These are all strong ‘risk factors’ for harm due to alcohol and other drug use.
On the flip side, being involved in recreational pursuits, positive relationships with parents, family members and other role models, and being engaged in a community environment ‘protective factors.’ These can all help to limit or minimise exposure to risky behaviour around alcohol and other drugs.
Just as batting pads can prevent that wicked fast delivery from breaking your leg, protective factors help prevent the harms from alcohol, smoking and other drugs.
If you create a club culture that is welcoming, inclusive and supportive, you can increase these protective factors. You have each other’s backs, and your members feel happier and healthier.
Role modelling good behaviour
Kids love to mirror the behaviours of those they admire the most. From sports stars and celebrities to parents and coaches.
Young people spreading their wings tend not to do as you say. They do as you do. Watching the drinking behaviour of adults at their sporting club can be a big influence on young people.
Being mindful of how much you and your friends drink in front of them is an important part of prevention through being a good role model.
Top tips for responsible clubs
Being a Good Sports club shows you are providing a protective environment for players, members, families and supporters.
And it shows the wider community outside your door that you are there to be a good neighbour.
Sporting clubs who are great role models take health and wellbeing seriously. Part of that is upholding the responsibilities they have to members and guests.
Here are the key ways your club can be well prepared off the field - to keep members safe and keep the club running smoothly.
Coaching for sport and beyond
Does winning always mean being first across the line or the most goals in the net? A good coach is a role model who always has their eye on the long game.
It’s important to stick to your principles and do the best thing for your juniors. If your coaching mantra is to ‘win at all costs’, you’ve probably lost sight of what junior sport is all about.
Drawing lessons from losses as well as victories is one of the protective skills young people can develop to take with them through life.