6th January, 2021 — Membership and management

Starting a strong season

After any long break, starting a new season takes time. Bringing everyone out of hibernation and back to the club is a big task. Here’s how to begin.

Anyone who spent a long comfy winter or lazy summer in track pants and thongs knows there is a mental barrier to zipping, strapping and buttoning up again.

We can all take inspiration from watching kids. After the big break of 2020, they were all bursting to get back to the classroom – and you thought you would never live to see the day.

Before you even dig out the clubroom keys and flick on the lights, have a look at these pointers to help you gear up mentally for the season ahead.

Get the word out

Spreading the word that you are back in the game is the first challenge.

In Queensland, one rugby club came up with a great way to get the facts out and sign up members, all in one go.

The club secretary gathered his notes on a writing pad, propped his phone up on a table next to the alluring green playing field, and delivered the facts. He posted the video on the club’s Facebook page and it went viral. Everyone loved the no-frills message.

Put your game face on

Especially in regional communities across Australia, many sporting clubs have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, and it hurts.

Organise a pre-season committee meeting to review your Good Sports policy. Check you’re up to date with all of your commitments and if not, allocate tasks. Determine some realistic goals and develop a step-by step action plan.

Whether you have two teams or 22, there are some pre-season tasks that need looking at. This will help your club get back in the groove.

Don’t sell yourself short

Use the pre-season meeting or the AGM to think about how you can use your Good Sports membership to attract new interest.

Being a Good Sports club means you are a safe and welcoming place. Not just for people who play sport, but for volunteers. Many people want an outlet from stressful daily life and a place to socialise.

They might not be too flash at running, swimming or catching, but they might be great behind the grill.

State-by-state rules and regulations

Every state and territory has different rules for community sporting clubs to follow as the season starts.

What works in Queensland, for instance, might not be right for Tasmania or the ACT.

Use the links below to find your state’s guidelines.

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Membership and management