29th March, 2022 — Good Sports awards

Queensland Volunteer of the Year winner

The Eagleby Giants Junior Rugby League Football Club has been crowned the Good Sports 2021 Junior Club of the Year and the Queensland 2021 Good Sports Club of the Year.

And now, club Vice President Nick Carroll has been named Good Sports 2021 Queensland Volunteer of the Year.

“It is not hard to find the words that celebrate what Chappy Nick does not only for the community of Eagleby, but for the greater Logan region,” said Jeff Barnes, club Secretary.

“As a Chaplain for both Eagleby State School and Beenleigh State High School, he fills his days supporting the needs of children and developing programs that focus on inclusion, teamwork and trust, among other vital life learning skills.”

Chappy Nick vital to the club

The club was created in 2012, where it has developed into a place that is supportive and inclusive. Chappy Nick pours his heart into the football season and as Vice President he organises all those week-to-week duties.

He’s created youth programs, a drop-in centre for afternoon activities for non-sporting kids, and organised training and coaching clinics for teens to develop their skills.

One of the biggest highlights is the Mental Health Week that comprises of workshops, training nights and an Invitational Rugby League Game.

Off the field, Chappy Nick is heavily involved in organising a weekly ‘Grow’ meetings, running mental health groups and writing articles for several different local publications.

“Chappy Nick is a fundraiser, a family man, a collaborator, a vice president, a facilitator, a link between people and a pillar of the community. And he does all of it for the love of his community,” said Jeff.

Hosted by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation in Melbourne in March 2022, the Awards ceremony recognised Good Sports clubs and their dedicated volunteers from across the country who are passionate about community, their members and making their club the very best it can be.

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Good Sports awards