Why Leadership Matters

The first module – Why Leadership Matters – covers some important introductory topics, such as:

  • factors that can influence young people
  • the importance of positive role models, and how to be one
  • the importance of community sport
  • cultural and other considerations

Further information relating to the topics covered in this module can be found in the list below.

Wheelchair tennis

More information

Community sport benefits young people in many ways. It can help boost their confidence, self-esteem, and resilience, as well as reduce their risk of poor mental health or antisocial behaviour.  Youth sport participation can also help with general skill development, maturation and transferrable life skills like time management and decision-making. Sport is also linked to promoting positive social behaviours such as empathy, social community connectedness, positive peer relationships as well as positive ethical and moral behaviour.

Read the link below for more information on why sports clubs are important for young people.

ADF Insights - Young members set to reap lifelong rewards as sporting clubs re-open

Adolescence and young adulthood is a significant period of transition in a person’s life.

It's a time when young people are undergoing rapid emotional, physical and intellectual changes and many modifiable behaviours and risk factors (such as drinking alcohol or using drugs) either emerge or accelerate during this time. Alcohol is the most common drug in Australia, and it’s the drug most commonly used by young people. Alcohol contributes to all the leading causes of death for young people: suicide, land transport accidents, accidental poisoning, and assault1.

Read the links below to build your knowledge and understanding of how to prevent and minimise the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs at different stages of the lifespan and support young people to live healthy and fulfilling lives unlimited by alcohol and drug harm.

Alcohol and Other Drug Lifecycle Planner

ADF Insights - Preventing or delaying young people using alcohol and drugs

Stigma is when someone sees you in a negative way because of a particular characteristic or attribute2.

There’s power in language. The actions and language of others can make people feel unwelcome and unsafe. This can stop them from seeking the services they need, negatively impacting their health, wellbeing, employment and social outcomes3.

Read below for more information about stigma – what it is, how it impacts people, and how you can reduce it.

ADF Stigma resource

ADF avoiding stigmatising language checklist

The LGBTIQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual, Intersex and Queer/Questioning) community make up an estimated 11% of Australia's population, but research shows they have some of the lowest rates of participation in sport, recreation and physical activity in the community. Avoidance of participation is often linked to poor experiences in sport due to discrimination or harassment4.

Read below for practical tips on creating LGBTIQ+ inclusive sports clubs and ensuring that all young people can participate in safe, welcoming environments.

ADF Resource for working with LGBTI communities

Vicsport – LGBTIQ+ inclusion

Currently in Australia, 1 in 4 people were born overseas, and our population is made up of people from over 200 countries. A love of sport can be found in people from all ethnicities, backgrounds and cultures. Yet this shared interest can raise a number of complex issues that involve balancing a person’s cultural traditions with their compliance with social norms and club rules and procedures5.

Read below for more information and actions you may take at your club to create an inclusive environment for multicultural communities.

ADF Connecting Diversity guide

Centre for Multicultural Youth - sport

Sport can play a positive role in increasing physical activity participation and improving broader health, wellbeing, and community outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Sport is frequently cited as a positive vehicle for community and cultural connectedness, as well as improving individual education, health, social and emotional wellbeing, and life skills6.

Read below for more information about the role of sport for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, and the factors that may influence their participation in sport.

Clearinghouse for Sport – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Sport - factors influencing sport participation

Cultural safety is the positive recognition and celebration of cultures. It is more than just the absence of racism or discrimination and more than ‘cultural awareness’ and ‘cultural sensitivity’. It empowers people and enables them to contribute and feel safe to be themselves. Cultural factors, such as identity, language and spirituality, as well as connection to Country, to family and to community, can positively impact on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as well as multicultural communities7.

Read below for more information on cultural safety.

National Office for Child Safety - Keeping Our Kids Safe: Cultural Safety and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

Many factors can influence a young person’s health, wellbeing and development. Some factors can have a positive effect, such as a strong relationship between parent and child, or a young person’s participation in supervised recreational activities, like community sport. These protective factors help to prevent or ‘protect’ against harms.

Other factors, known as risk factors, may increase the likelihood of a young person engaging in risky behaviour. Risk factors include family conflict, poor mental health, lack of engagement in activities with adults or positive role models, or low attachment to school or community.

Read the link below to learn more about risk and protective factors and the role they play in harm prevention for young people.

ADF - AOD Primary Prevention, including Risk & Protective Factors

If you would like more information on any of these topics, or others not included here, please speak with your Stronger Through Sports representative.