Identifying disengagement and other behaviours

The third, and final module – Identifying disengagement and other behaviours – will cover:

  • potential causes of challenging behaviours
  • strategies for dealing with or deescalating hostile or challenging behaviours
  • identifying warning signs
  • understanding and addressing disengagement from sport
  • strategies for increasing engagement in sport

Further information relating to the topics covered in this module can be found in the list below. 

Soccer coach and player

More Information

In all populations, there will be people who are neurodiverse, or have additional needs. Neurodiversity is the natural variance in how people’s brains work and the natural ways in which they experience, learn and communicate. About 1 in 5-6 children have variations in their brain development. These variations include those seen in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism and dyslexia. These children can be described as neurodivergent8. Embracing neurodiversity is about accepting, including, celebrating and supporting neurodivergent children. This might look like:

  • acknowledging that neurodivergent children might do things differently from neurotypical children
  • adjusting tasks and activities so that neurodivergent children can fully participate

Read the link below for practical tips on embracing neurodiversity within your club.

Raising Children Network - Neurodiversity, neurodivergence & children

Everyone has different life experiences that have shaped them into who they are today – and not all of these experiences are positive. It is estimated that in Australia, 5 million adults have been affected by childhood trauma9.  It can arise from single or repeated adverse events that threaten to overwhelm a person’s ability to cope. Trauma has serious effects on the developing brain – impacting things like comprehension, concentration and memory. It can also contribute to mental health difficulties, substance misuse, homelessness, unemployment, increased rates of smoking, accidents and surgery10. If left untreated, the impacts of childhood trauma can last a lifetime11.   Trauma-informed care shifts the focus from “What’s wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?”. Read below for more information about the importance of trauma-informed care with young people.

Emerging Minds - In focus: Trauma-informed care

Australian Childhood Foundation Professionals - 9 Plain English Principles of Trauma Informed Care

Mental Health Australia - Trauma informed practice

If you would like more information on any of these topics, or others not included here, please speak with your Stronger Through Sports representative.