Celebrating 25 years

For quarter of a century, the Good Sports program has been unlocking community health and wellbeing by supporting and inspiring community sporting clubs to set up a better environment for players, supporters, families and officials.

Currently there are over 3 million people across Australia participating in the program from 11,500+ community sporting clubs covering 120 different sporting clubs.

It’s ‘the most comprehensively researched drug and alcohol community sporting intervention internationally’. And the stats all add up to show how Good Sports is making a big difference.

Join us as we celebrate our milestone anniversary and jump into our special report on the impact of the program to find out how Good Sports works.

You’ll go behind the scenes with some of our clubs and supporting organisations, find out the results of our formal evaluations and see how the program is reducing alcohol and other drug harms, boosting mental health, strengthening Indigenous communities, helping juniors gain lifelong skills and providing widespread community benefits.

It's all about building winning teams – together.