28th February, 2024 — Mental health

North Hobart FC are mental health champions

North Hobart Football Club won the 2023 National Good Sports Mental Health Excellence Award for promoting mental health awareness and undertaking positive activities that strengthen their club community.

Club President, David Kilpatrick said being part of Good Sports has positively impacted club culture, helping them develop and implement polices that keep the club safe and healthy.

“Since developing a Wellbeing Action Plan three years ago, we’ve appointed a dedicated Wellbeing Officer, and give our members access to free professional counselling and mental health first aid and suicide prevention training,” David said.

Hosted by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation at Parliament House, Canberra in February 2024, the Awards ceremony recognised Good Sports clubs and their dedicated volunteers from across the country who are passionate about community, their members and making their club the very best it can be.

Members looking out for one another

David explained that the club is dedicated to making sure everyone at the club has a good awareness around mental health issues. And, they have skilled up some of their members with training.

“For example, we’ve appointed a dedicated Wellbeing Officer, and give our members access to free professional counselling and mental health first aid and suicide prevention training.”

“We’ve also established a relationship with a local GP, so that players needing access to a mental health plan can quickly see them for referral.”

“Constant communication about mental health has created an environment where everyone at the club takes responsibility for it – we all look out for each other.”

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Mental health