26th May, 2021 — Good Sports

Cudlee Creek Tennis Club back in the game

The Cudlee Creek Tennis Club proves that size is no barrier to success.

With just 10 playing members, its B-grade tennis team recently won their grand final and its C-grade team were runners up. 

Located in the Adelaide Hills, SA, the club was excited about its Good Sports win of $1,000 for embracing the program. Especially as its small community was ravaged by the Black Summer bushfires in 2019-20. Homes, livestock and orchards were lost.

Getting back into the usual routine at Cudlee Creek Tennis Club

Michelle Kenley, spokesperson for the club, says that going for Good Sports accreditation after the fires has been a great way for the club to reground and get back to the usual routine.

“We went online and saw what an amazing program it is. Good Sports has allowed us to step up and explore what it means to be a welcoming and safe place for people to come.

“Becoming a Good Sports club involved us reviewing and adjusting our smoking, transport and consumption of alcohol policies.”

Michelle said that part of the prize money will be used to decrease coaching fees for its juniors. 

“Families here have taken a hit with the bushfires and it will take pressure off parents for the next season.”

The club, which had no access to water, spent the prize money on putting in a rainwater tank to water the courts. 

Sporting clubs are community hubs

A passionate supporter of her club, Michelle believes sport teaches people to look after themselves.

“Sporting clubs are a great place for mentoring and role modelling. We use the tennis club as a community hub where we can meet and have fun together. It’s a popular place with a large social membership.”

“It’s an exciting win – no doubt about it. The Good Sports prize is a great little boost that will keep us inspired and moving forward,” said Michelle.

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