1st June, 2021 — Good Sports

$1000 cash a lifeline and an inspiration

Around Australia, 10 newly minted Good Sports teams are celebrating after winning $1000 for new clubs joining the Big League. Each club is taking advantage of new opportunities to provide a welcome and safe environment for members.

By joining Good Sports, they are tapping in to free and valuable resources to run their clubs in a way that manages alcohol, smoking, mental health, illegal drugs and safe transport.

Meet our winners

Wilston Grange Softball Club, Queensland

The passionate but struggling Brisbane club fears local softball could bite the dust without new ideas and fresh talent. That prompted the decision to join Good Sports and use its many free online resources to set a positive new direction. And winning $1000 means maybe even buying new helmets to replace their current, cracked ones.

Softball is popular among local Aboriginal women and is vital to communities and young people as it benefits socially, physically and mental health-wise. Wilston Grange had equipment that was barely hanging together and no money to encourage new players.

“It’s little clubs like us that always get overlooked and end up dying out,” the club told Good Sports.

“Winning was like having a weight lifted from our shoulders; after struggling to keep our club alive, this is an absolute blessing. We will be able to open up a Juniors Team again! Thank you so much, Good Sports, you have truly made an enormous difference to our members.”

Broome Horse Riders’ Club, WA

Being a long way from most places, this club has to draw on its own resources when it comes to competing, training and keeping members up to date with all things equine. The prize money will help upgrade training equipment and hold events for junior and adult riders to showcase their skills.

“BHRC is very grateful for this prize! Will be well used to improve the facilities for all members.”

Broome Horse Riders Club

Newman Junior Cricket Association, WA

Learning how to better support its members, encouraging kids to build positive friendships and make the best choices were important reasons for joining Good Sports. With $1000 burning a hole in its pocket, the club will buy better gazebos to stop the scorching Pilbara sun burning young player’s skin. The money will also help buy extra gear so all players can have a go.

“The NJCA is ecstatic with this win, we are a small association that has worked hard to get off the ground after a long dormant period. The support of the Good Sports program will be great for players and the community. Thank you for everything you do for sport.”

South Tweed Community Touch Football Association, NSW

With a small number of volunteers, a new committee and a comp with 1000 kids, these guys are pedalling hard to keep up. They are looking to Good Sports to help with policies for running the club and ways to attract more volunteers. The club is brimming with enthusiasm and will possibly use the prize money to keep participation costs down for a new All Abilities competition.

Thank you so much to Good Sports for this fantastic prize! We are able to use this money to help keep our club running an enjoyable, fun and active sport in our community for the children.”

South Tweed Community Touch Football Association

Macedon Blues United Football Club, Victoria

Good Sports’ values are a good match for this can-do suburban soccer club. It wants to make sure players of all abilities can have a go in a community environment. Well-being and mental health are also on top of the scorecard. And with some families doing it tough, the $1000 prize money will plug a few financial holes and ensure everyone can enjoy the world game.

This prize means a lot to us as it can assist a couple of players struggling with their membership fees due to financial difficulties from COVID-19.”

Gungahlin Flames Basketball Club, ACT

This relatively new club prides itself on being a fun, safe and inclusive place for all members of its community. Membership is culturally diverse, also embracing a range of abilities and socio-economic backgrounds. But volunteers are often hard to come by, so there are great benefits from using Good Sports resources to develop club policies and governance structures.  The club also highlights the important part sport plays in physical and mental health.

“The club is extremely grateful for this opportunity and we feel very privileged to be a part of the Good Sports program. The prize money will go a long way in helping us purchase training equipment, as well as opportunities to provide education and accreditation for our volunteer coaches.”

Gungahlin Flames Basketball Club

Western Vikings Junior Rugby League Club, NSW

Rugby is in the blood in this part of the world. The newest club in the local comp, these Vikings recognize the value of the respected Good Sports brand in showing their community that they have what it takes to stand out from the crowd. Their prize money is earmarked for new gear for the under-5s and upgraded training equipment for all juniors.

[We feel] lucky to win – very, very lucky – and honoured to showcase our juniors’ great sportsmanship and culture.”

Glengowrie Uniting Netball Club, SA

They're going through a growth spurt in Glengowrie. Leaping from 14 teams to 23 in just two years, the club joined Good Sports to keep on providing a welcoming and safe environment. But the increased membership has put pressure on facilities and the prize money will help provide safer practice courts.

“As a growing club we are thrilled to have won the Good Sports competition. The funds will definitely be put to good use for the benefit of all our members. In a financially challenging environment, we are extremely grateful for the generosity of Good Sports.”

Glengowrie Uniting Netball Club

Richmond Golf Club, Tasmania

These golfers at Richmond Golf Club like to stay in touch with good ideas to keep the family-oriented culture healthy and fun. They’ve decided to use their prize money to bolster their First Aid capabilities. Now they will be ready to save lives by buying a defibrillator that can be used if a member collapses on the green or in the clubrooms.

Darwin Volleyball Association, NT

Being family friendly is important at Darwin Volleyball. Having access to resources that support mental wellbeing as well as dealing with alcohol and drugs is a big drawcard of the program.

Being part of Good Sports ensures families feel comfortable and it provides a safe environment so more juniors will join in the sport. The $1000 will go towards attracting more juniors and buying new nets for a dry season beach competition.

We feel ecstatic about winning the competition! We’re excited about the great things we can do with the prize money and putting it towards some much-needed equipment. We have seen a huge growth in interest and membership numbers over the last 12 months, particularly junior participation. We want to further promote our sport for juniors so we can continue to grow.”

Darwin Volleyball Association

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