22nd June, 2022 — Club culture

Bermagui Lifesavers lead by example

Bermagui’s large surf club family is proud to be part of Good Sports.

Not only has the Bermagui Surf Lifesaving Club been saving and protecting lives for more than 100 years, it’s also a critical link in the NSW Emergency Services. 

The late 2019 and early 2020 bushfires brought out the best of the club’s surf rescue skills when a team of volunteers opened the clubhouse as an evacuation centre. They provided shelter, food, first aid, emotional support and a calming presence to those seeking help.

Cheryl McCarthy, Registrar and Powercraft Captain at the club, helped lead the relief efforts. She says the impact volunteers can have on their communities now extends well beyond just the beach.

“We have a responsibility to set a good example and that’s where Good Sports comes in.”

“It’s become something that we rely on. We have a lot of teenagers and young Nippers in our club and we have to live our words and make sure we are doing things as well as we can.”

Supporting the Bermagui community

The club joined Good Sports more than 10 years ago when it was building a new clubhouse with a bar and function area. It needed tools and strategies for the Responsible Service of Alcohol.

It has used Good Sports resources to help guide safe transport practices including designated drivers, staff offering rides home and transport options at functions.

With the traumatic impact of the bushfires, mental health is another area where the club has benefitted from Good Sports resources.

Cheryl says that Good Sports provides a best practice baseline and guidance on policies and procedures.

“Clubs are volunteer-driven, and we can save a whole lot of time and energy in going to a trusted organisation that has a roadmap for us.”

“We have found the Good Sports toolkits very useful. Posters are around the place and we promote Good Sports on our website.”

“In times of need, people tend to gravitate to surf clubs in coastal communities as we're often central in town. It's very rewarding to be able to help support the community when needed,” said Cheryl.

With a steady growth in member numbers, the club is ready for anything.

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Club culture