15th March, 2022 — Good Sports awards

Natimuk United FNC win Staying Connected Award

Natimuk United Football and Netball Club has won the 2021 Good Sports’ Staying Connected Award for their commitment to keeping their members connected through the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing lockdowns.

Natimuk United Football and Netball club receives $1,000 for implementing creative initiatives. These included online workouts, trivia nights and a virtual canteen fundraiser to keep members engaged and connected despite being physically apart.

“We believed that staying connected during lockdowns was just an extension of the Good Sports values of creating a safe environment for our members and looking out for their health and wellbeing,” said Club Secretary Shelly Stockdale.

“Despite a tough 2021, we feel like the club is closer than ever through our lockdown activities and winning the Staying Connected Award has been the perfect way to celebrate our increased connection and the end of restrictions.”

Virtually connected at Natimuk United FNC

During difficult periods of lockdown, where normal play couldn’t go ahead, this club had many activities going to keep everyone connected.

  • Interviews with Taj - Senior Player Taj Payne did Zoom interviews with players and shared with club members.
  • Sarah's Workouts - Netball fitness instructor Sarah Kelm did weekly online workouts for the netballers.
  • Around the World Netball - During the first lockdown of 2020, the club did around the world netball and made a video. Players of all ages had a lot of fun!
  • Live-streamed game – In late 2021, teams could play but only with limited numbers - it was a no spectators allowed restriction. Natimuk United FNC did a live stream of the game for their members.
  • Trivia Night – The club held an online trivia night in August 2021, where they used Microsoft Teams to connect via video link, and everyone downloaded the Kahoot quiz app. It was a great night.
  • Ram Page Newsletter - Regular newsletter that goes out to members.
  • Sponsor of the Week - Recognising and thanking the club’s wonderful sponsors online.
  • Unsung Hero - Weekly recognition of a club volunteer who does so much for their club.

Natimuk United hopes that their online activities can help to inspire other clubs who may be going through difficult times. It was a great way to keep their members socialising and engaged, and they had fun doing it!

The Good Sports Awards are the ultimate trophy for any Good Sports club, paying tribute to the heart and soul of community sporting clubs – no matter their size or sporting code.

Hosted by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation in Melbourne in March 2022, the Awards ceremony recognised Good Sports clubs and their dedicated volunteers from across the country who are passionate about community, their members and making their club the very best it can be.

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Good Sports awards